Leather seats in your car are a sign of luxury and style, but they need proper care to keep them looking their best. Choose a leather cleaner that’s both easy to use and effective at keeping your car’s interior sparkling.

  1. Gentle and effective cleaner:

Carixer leather cleaner works on all types of leather effectively and removes dirt, grimes and stains instantly. On the other hand our Carixer leather cleaner is highly recommended for its safe yet effective formula.

  1. Easy to use:

To make the daily cleansing hassle free & effortless, our Carixer Leather Cleaner is an excellent choice which includes versatile formula to make your leather seat spotless squeaky clean tidy unblemished cleaning.

  1. Protection and Longevity:

Carixer Leather cleaner is an ultimate solution to extend the life of your interior leather seats. Besides cleaning, our leather cleaner also has a distinct ingredient that protects the leather seats from usual wear and tear.

How to Use : Carixer Leather Cleaner

100 ml of solution/1 liter of water required to remove and clean surfaces. Gently wipe the affected surface with a soft, damp cloth to remove dirt.


Car leather seats are effortless to maintain. By choosing the Carixer leather cleaner, following the instructions and cleaning at appropriate intervals, you can keep your seats clean, fresh and attractive. Remember to choose a cleanser that is suitable for your car interior type, is easy to use and prevents potential damage. With proper care, your leather car seats will continue to feel luxurious for years to come.